





罗锦辉是一名技术人员;他指出,他在3月1日到新山探访朋友后,准备经由新山城中坊(City Square)行人天桥往新移民、关税和检疫大厦返新加坡。“一名年约20岁的少女走过来,说一间日本公司为了逃过税务征收,以抽奖方式回馈民众;我见她眉清目秀,便信以为真,更以为有机会抽中逾万令吉的现金奖,所以跟她坐德士到刮刮乐公司,一名逾20岁的男职员来接待我,他说如果我没抽中所列出的奖项,他还会赔我钱,赔偿金高达1万令吉(约4200新元),因为一个‘贪’字,我被骗了,还带他到提款机提出7500令吉。”他指出,当时他一度怀疑这是骗局。



车祸 Car Accident - 4

Classic Quote from HWZ

I don't know why so many negative feedback even yourself is not confident so looking for 50-50. I would think you should get 90% and it will not affect your NCD.

The prerequisites are:

1, you can prove or he would not deny that he was from minor road. Yes, you have right-of-way and sure should win (don' tell the scene was 30 meters from the juntion already)
2, you could further prove he was changing lane, so he sure would lose. likely, as his portion was right back and yours ..., and if you have the photo shows his car is not straight would be great

The claim would take some time which your lawyer would advise you already. I think you should get it. Have to be patient! His insurance may counter propose $1800 to you, and they may not verify with that old driver as it won't worth to fight for this <3000 claim.

The insurance companys work like that, today you claim me, tomorrow I claim you. Next year raise premiums for all, and doubled premiums for those being claimed drivers/owners. It would be not worth to fight in the court.

So, if unfortunate you get 50% only or less, what you can do as your Q. You could continue to engage the lawyer to fight for the case, until to court. But, I won't recommend that. You should still remember the case of the primary school teacher. You can fight, if you win, you get 1000-2000, if you lose, you go bankrupt (due to very very expensive legal costs).

Bear with it (your own insurance company would require you pay the first 500 or something, you can decide whether worth to claim your own insurance)

I agree with all the people, that we should practise defensive driving. It seems you were able to prevent this, as you signal, check blind spot, change lane... better don't mention this too much. If me, I would not say I checked the blind spot; you check the rear mirror regularly so you sure there was no car behind and no time to check blind spot again, just did E brake

Good luck, I think it will be good.


车祸 Car Accident - 3

By the time if the driver refuse to sign, it means if he left the scene he will shirk all responsibility and claim its your fault. When you call the police to come, they will settle the dispute where both parties will describe the story. You will also tell the police that the lorry driver has admitted his fault but refuse to acknowledge in writing.

Most times, those who are in the wrong will not want to involve traffic police. When the traffic police came, they will write down details and timing and occurence at the accident scene for reference. It will help when you try to make a claim against the lorry driver.

A lot of people are afraid that when traffic police comes down, demerit points will be awarded. But if you have the right of way and reasonable case, even if demerit points awarded to you, you can write in. Some times few points and few thousands in repairs, best to settle who should be liable for repairs and claims on the spot.



在手机名单内,切勿放入亲属称呼,例如: 爸爸、妈妈、姐姐、弟弟、哥哥、妹妹、爱人、亲爱的、老婆、老公、家 等等。提防万一电话遗失,遭不法之徒拨电勒索,试图欺骗钱财。

In the hp's contact list, do not list out the names of your loved ones, such as: Lover, Darling, Dear, Father, Mother, Daddy, Mummy, Brother, Sister, House、Home Sweet Home etc. Bad company might used the contacts to call them and ask for ransom.

车祸 Car Accident - 2

Once he admit on the spot its his fault, you have to prepare a letter to idemnify all responsibility on your part. If the lorry driver do not want to sign on this letter, and do not private settle on the spot, call 999, for traffic police and say traffic dispute. A police vehicle will come by very soon.

Never leave vehicle scene without settlement, without letter of indemnity. All disputes have to be settled immediately because once you let people go, they can find a lot of people for help to worm their way through. As what is going to happen. Don't need to be afraid of calling police, because this is considered a traffic dispute if the lorry driver refuse to sign on your letter and shirk responsibility.


车祸 Car Accident



Upon a car accident, please do not remove the car immediately. Instead, take down the photos of the cars involved, from different angle, and make sure the registration plate is clearly taken.


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凡Nokia手机: 输入 *#0000# 就能查出您手机的款式跟购买日期。

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