


每天5杯咖啡 患糖尿病风险高

每天5杯咖啡 患糖尿病风险高


咖啡中含有绿原酸(chlorogenic acid),这种物质能够降低体脂肪、血压与糖尿病风险,但如果摄取太多,会带来反效果。研究显示,日饮5杯咖啡的老鼠,腹部周围的内脏脂肪(visceral fat)倍增,胰岛素抗阻(insulin resistance)也提高了。


11 Taiwan food products recalled

11 Taiwan food products recalled

A total of 11 starch-based food products from Taiwan have been taken off shop shelves after they tested positive for maleic acid, an unapproved food additive.

The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) said yesterday that most of the affected products are tapioca starch balls used in the preparation of bubble-tea beverages.

The products include Hong brand tapioca starch, Ting Long tapioca pearls and Sun Chi brand noodles.

AVA said it has informed the importers of the affected products to "withdraw them from sale immediately and withdrawal has been completed". Consumers who have bought these products should either return them to the retailer or discard them.

Last week, AVA said that Sunright brand tapioca balls have been recalled as it was found by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration to have traces of maleic acid.

AVA said it then conducted tests on 66 other similar food products from Taiwan, and maleic acid was present in 11 of them. Long-term consumption of high levels of maleic acid can cause kidney damage, it said.

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~

11种食材被令停售 多数是泡泡茶“珍珠”

11种食材被令停售 多数是泡泡茶“珍珠”




这些食品因含有未经批准的食物添加剂“顺丁烯二酸”(maleic acid),而被当局下令停售及回收。进口商已完成回收动作。








阿甘绿茶(Pure Tea)(白)“珍珠粉圆”
阿甘绿茶(Pure Tea)(黑)“珍珠粉圆”
鸿凯食品(Hong Kai Foods)的蕃薯粉 / 地瓜粉
Possmei International的“Redman”木薯珍珠
上旺食品行的“Top 1”木薯珍珠
Grand Chainly Enterprises的“Tea World”(茶本铺)黑珍珠
Ting Long木薯珍珠
上智(Sun Chi)制面厂的“关庙面”
安利司(An Li Si)的“珍珠粉圆”



坠刮刮乐圈套 狮城分析师遭洗劫毒打

坠刮刮乐圈套 狮城分析师遭洗劫毒打



梁先生(26岁,科技分析师)从中国广东来新工作4年。昨午2时许,他与一名同龄男性友人到新山游玩,却在新山关卡大厦连接城中坊(City Square)的天桥上,被一对男女搭讪。





10 fall prey to 'JB Lucky Draw' scam since April

10 fall prey to 'JB Lucky Draw' scam since April

Some 10 Singaporeans have fallen victim to the 'Johor Bahru Lucky Draw' scam since April 2013.

This is more than the total number of people scammed in the first three months of this year.

Most victims fall prey at the bridge linking Woodlands Customs and JB's City Square.

Scammers would approach the victims, telling them that they have won a lucky draw prize.

They would then ask the victims to withdraw money from their bank account to pay for taxes or administrative fees in collect the prize.

Some would offer victims a ride back to their country, where the victim can make the withdrawal.

'Madam Lee', a victim who lost S$12,000, said: "I told him that I had only a few thousand dollars in my savings account. I told him that I couldn't get any cash advance with my credit card.

"They said that they would only take a look at it, scan the card number, and then return the card to me. But they lied. I was told there wouldn't be any interest charged, that when I withdrew the money, they'd put it back immediately."

The police remind the public to be vigilant of "get-rich-quick" offers and lucky draws that come with payment.

Victims are advised to make a report at the nearest police station in the country where the scam took place.

~News curtesy of Channel Newsasia~

Beware of sham "NTUC FairPrice" emails

Beware of sham "NTUC FairPrice" emails

Police have received several reports of emails being sent using the "NTUC FairPrice" name.

Recipients were informed they had been selected for a chance to win shopping vouchers from NTUC and they were to provide their particulars for verification.

NTUC FairPrice has clarified that such emails are not authentic and it is not running any email or phone contests currently.

It added winners of actual contests or lucky draws organised by NTUC FairPrice are notified by post or through advertisements.

Police say scammers have employed a similar ploy in other cases, by claiming they were staff of a well-established courier company, for phishing purposes.

Police remind members of the public to be wary of such emails or phone calls.

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~

陷刮刮乐骗局 9人被骗5万

陷刮刮乐骗局 9人被骗5万



文告指出,这些骗局主要发生在柔佛城中坊(City Square),受害者被丰厚奖品吸引,之后被游说缴付税金或是行政费,继而上当受骗。受害者当中,不少人甚至回到新加坡提钱,结果事后才发现,根本没有所谓的奖品,又或是奖品根本不值钱。




Sales of 120 children's products pulled

Sales of 120 children's products pulled

A total of 120 stop-sale notices have been issued over the past two years to companies whose children's products were found to be unsafe, said Spring Singapore yesterday.

Its market-surveillance efforts followed the coming into force of the Consumer Protection (Consumer Goods Safety Requirements) Regulations in April 2011.

It focused on products such as toys, cots, strollers, walkers, children's apparel and children's accessories.

More than 600 children's products from major and small retailers across Singapore have been sent for testing.

This was to ascertain whether they conformed to safety requirements, added Spring in a statement.

Spring, which is an agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, oversees the safety of general consumer goods here.

Its group director for quality and standards, Mr Steven Tan, said that Spring started off checking children's products because children are "vulnerable customers who need to be protected".

"These checks have helped us identify potential safety issues and better focus our education and enforcement efforts," Mr Tan said.

He added that Spring will expand its surveillance efforts to include product categories such as furniture and household electrical appliances like hair straighteners and night lights.

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~


台进口珍珠粉圆含有害物 农粮局回收化验

台进口珍珠粉圆含有害物 农粮局回收化验





泡泡茶爱好者:有问题就少喝;业者上面簿公开台化验结果 请消费者安心。



22 victims fall prey to new phone scam

22 victims fall prey to new phone scam

A total of 22 people have fallen prey in the past month to a new phone scam, where a caller would claim to be an officer from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority.

In all, 49 cases were reported to the police.

Inspector Zhahir Hushan, a senior police officer, said: "The scammers would call from a hotline which is similar to ICA, which is 6391-6100. The scammers would then demand the victims to transfer money into their accounts, claiming that they had failed to fill up the disembarkation card or embarkation card properly.

"Noting this, the victims would move forward and transfer the funds. Police advise members of the public, upon receiving such calls, to either ignore the calls, not to transfer any funds or to call 999 immediately."

Police say the cases so far involved $36,811.

One of the victims told Channel NewsAsia he was cheated of $2,700, when he transferred through remittance company Western Union to accounts seemingly based in New Delhi, India.

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~


本地美食消失 因新加坡人缺乏进取心

蔡澜:本地美食消失 因新加坡人缺乏进取心
















英国伦敦大学国王学院教授David Gradwell指出,飞机旅客在高空中飞行时,大脑会变得较迟钝,不利于思考。(图/互联网)

英国伦敦大学国王学院教授David Gradwell指出,飞机旅客在高空中飞行时,大脑会变得较迟钝,不利于思考,因此在飞机上最好不要处理重要公事或做出重大的人生决定。

