
Smoking can blind you

Smoking can blind you

A new study has shown that nearly six in 10 or 57.5 per cent of smokers in Singapore are blind to the fact that smoking can cause blindness.

The findings, conducted by local doctors and researchers, covered 200 smokers aged between 14 and 83.

Blindness is a disability widely feared by most, yet only about four in 10 smokers here are aware of this risk of lighting up.

In fact, the study showed that the link between smoking and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) - a form of eye disease - is the least recognised, among five other smoking-related diseases.

These include lung cancer and heart attack, which each has more than a 70 per cent awareness rate.

The study though showed that the fear of blindness is the second biggest motivating factor for smokers to quit the habit, after lung cancer.

More than half of the respondents also felt that graphic health warnings were effective in getting them to stub it out.

Medical experts said this showed a need to raise public awareness on blindness as a smoking-related disease.

The Minister of State for Health, Dr Amy Khor, who was speaking at the AMD Awareness week said there are now more than 30 million people worldwide suffering from some form of AMD. This figure is likely to triple over the next 25 years.

Dr Khor said this makes the disease a "significant public health concern" as the population ages.

Experts said apart from quitting smoking, preventive steps can be taken, such as having a diet rich in vegetables and vitamins.

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~












Blue skies? Haze may return next week

Blue skies? Haze may return next week

A "LONG-TERM solution" to the haze woes here lies in a change in behaviour of firms and people involved in the burning of forests in Indonesia, said Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, yesterday.

Speaking to the media at the launch of Singapore drag queen Kumar's biography, Dr Balakrishnan noted that Singapore had offered Indonesia help, such as firefighters and cloud seeding.

But "so far, it has not called on our resources", he said.

"Frankly, it does have enough resources and it's a matter of political will and implementation on the ground," he added.

Dr Balakrishnan also warned Singaporeans not to celebrate yesterday's "nice blue skies" as a sign that the worst of the haze is over.

"We anticipate that...early next week, we might get a return of the haze."

~News courtesy of Omy~

Legislation to protect consumer data

Mica plans legislation to protect consumer data

SINGAPOREANS concerned about their personal details being misused without their consent when they fill up a lucky-draw form can take comfort in a new law which will prevent that from happening.

The Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (Mica) yesterday outlined the areas that a proposed consumer data-protection law, to be tabled in Parliament early next year, could cover.

One suggestion was a fine of up to $1 million for companies that flout the new rules, on top of any "orders for corrective action", Mica said. Less serious breaches could draw smaller fines.

A new regulatory body to oversee compliance with the new law and to raise awareness on data-protection issues to be called the Data Protection Commission (DPC) has been proposed.

The idea for a broad consumer data-protection law that does not overlap with existing laws for specific sectors, such as telecoms and banking, was mooted in Parliament in February.

Mica yesterday also issued a consultation paper to get public feedback to help it draft the new legislation, such as defining personal data.

It proposed that the term includes IC numbers, passport numbers, photographs and other information that could identify a person. This could cover mobile-phone numbers.

Mica also proposed the setting up of a national "do not call" registry, where consumers can register their phone numbers to opt out of unsolicited telemarketing calls, text messages and fax messages from all firms here. But consumers could still allow selected companies to contact them.

~News courtesy of Omy~


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